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About Don's Deli, Steaks and Hoagies in Boothwyn, PA

In 1958, Don Horton opened his first market in Chester, PA at 22nd and Madison Streets. Don seemed very talented at growing businesses, so he opened others in locations like Lima, Aston, and Folsom. He opened a total of seven market locations and several sandwich shops. Then, Don sold all but one location in Boothwyn, PA, where he focused on growing that business with his daughter and co-owner Janice, known to many as “Peachy.” They operated the store until 2009. Michael McKinney, Jr. bought the store in 2019. He comes from a long line of hoagie makers, such as his great grandmother Nonnie. She operated Rosie’s Luncheonette in Chester at 6th and Butler. Michael decided it seemed fitting to keep his family’s recipes and traditions alive while preserving the nostalgia and traditions Don and Peachy created.

Don's Deli logo

Today, and 47 years later, Don's Deli, Steaks and Hoagies has become a community staple restaurant in the community and surrounding areas like Delaware. We offer friendly service while serving customers a wide array of delicious favorites on our menus. If you enjoy fresh and tasty meats, cheeses, bread, seafood, and other delectable foods, we are a prime destination for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. You can get hoagies, cheesesteaks, seafood platters, and various sides and desserts. Enjoy dine-in or take-out from our deli, or contact us to cater your next special event.

Ready to Satisfy Your Cravings

Don's Deli, Steaks and Hoagies looks forward to your visit to our sandwich shop or catering for your special event. We are proud to serve the local community and beyond with delicious meals made with fresh ingredients and served with a smile.

Visit Us to Enjoy Delicious, Local Deli Favorites